
Nov 07, 2009 19:37

Title:  Because [Very short Drabble]
Pairing:  Hanchul
Genre:  Fluff
Rating:  G
Warnings:  None
Word Count:  350
Disclaimer:  Do you think anyone else in the world would know if I owned them? No way in hell would i share. >=D
Summary:  Heechul's thoughts on his reasons for Hankyung.
A/N:  Oui. Crappy title is crappy. Plotbunny jumped into my head and trampled to death all my angst. Ironic, seeing as this has no plot whatsoever. Guess its a good thing, all my 3/4 done angst fics are starting to blur in my head and assimilate into something of a gigantic blob. =/ Comments are loved~

Because he always knew when you needed him...

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