Title: Moonlit Dance
Pairing: Kibum+Donghae
Genre: Romance
Raiting: PG
Length: 744 words
Type: One-shot
Summary: A romantic moment between Kibum and Donghae!
[A/N: I wrote a happy one for once ! Dedicated to my Heechul: Samantha <3]
The warm arms around him, the sweet butterfly kisses on his neck, the calming sounds of nothing in the air. Kibum couldn't be any happier. He snuggled in closer to the body he was holding, watching the smooth motion of his chest rising and falling with each breath. It was such a beautiful thing what they had here. Every day the other man would wonder why he would gaze at him with such wanting while just doing everyday tasks. The truth was that every movement, every motion had him intoxicated. Every brush of the skin sent shivers through his spine, pleading for more; he could never get enough of it. Before this man, he could never possibly be this happy. His eyes travelling along the toned arms, the defined stomach, and slim legs. He couldn't imagine anything more perfect.
Soon though, his train of thought was interrupted by the slight movement of the smaller man. His eyes slowly opened to look up at Kibum. The room was dark with the curtains open; drawing in the only small amount of moonlight that played along the shadows of their bodies, illuminating Donghae's small sparkling eyes. He had to bite his lip to hold back the small gasp that would have escaped his mouth.
"What are you looking at?" Donghae asked with a grin playing on his lips, showing a slight line of his perfect teeth.
"You..." Kibum replied back, quickly noticing the small blush that appeared on his lover's cheeks. Why do you have to be so damn cute? He thought.
[Donghae's POV]
I quickly moved my head to look down, trying to hide the color spreading across my face. I could still feel his eyes on me; those deep brown eyes that seemed to hold the wonders of the universe. All I can do is get lost staring in them. Before I could say anything I felt his hand on my chin, tilting my head upwards to face him. Soon the space between our faces was eliminated by his lips lightly pressing against mine. It was such a small gesture, but yet it had the power to send such shocks through my veins. I couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed when he broke the display of affection and crawled off the couch.
“What is he doing? I can barely see anything...” I thought only to find a smooth hand close to my face. Unsure, I took it and he pulled me to my feet, only leaving an inch, maybe less of space between our bodies. He leaned forward to rest his forehead against mine, turning his gaze to my eyes. My stomach turned into knots.
[End of POV]
Donghae felt the other man's hands travel to his waist and pull him closer.
"Care to dance?" Kibum asked huskily into his ear.
The smaller man couldn’t reply, the lips and the hot breath against his ear had him lost for words. He simply wrapped his arms around his neck and leaned his head on his chest as their hips began to sway together slowly, making their way around in a circle. They didn't care there was no music; the beating of their hearts together lead them together.
Kibum felt he was under a spell, the scent of Donghae's hair smelled of strawberries, only luring him in deeper and deeper. He tightened his grip around the other man's waist as if this was their last dance, last moment together. He prayed that moment would never happen; he wanted to stay like this forever. It was all too unbelievable. Donghae's love just did something to him, he didn't know what, but it had him blinded. But soon, he felt the arms around him slightly getting weaker, and he knew that the older man tired was getting tired. He stopped the dancing and looked into his eyes to see them half open.
Smiling, he led them to their room and placed Donghae on the bed, quickly filling the space beside him and wrapping his arms around the slim waist. Watching him again as his eyes fluttered shut and he slowly drifted off to sleep. He still felt the motions of rocking back and forth from dancing and felt himself being over-taken by sleep. When he closed his eyes he was delighted with the sight, for every time they were shut, his vision was replaced by a smiling picture Donghae.
He couldn't think of anything better to fall asleep to.