Title: Destiny is Useless
ai_sumairu Pairing: One-sided EunHae, hints of KiSung and HanChul (if one squint hard enough)
Genre: I dunno... (-_-)'
Disclaimer: I own the story and title.
Author's Note: I just did this today so I'm sorry if it's not good! *bows* This here is a birthday gift for my friend
suju_juju !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR!!!! :D I hope you like this somehow! Please do comment! Enjoy! :)
Yes... I’m in love with Lee Donghae and he doesn’t know it... )
Title: Toss Coin
ai_sumairu Pairing: KiHae Friendship, hints of EunHae and KiSung (really hard to spot)
Genre: Friendship? Not sure... (-_-)'
Disclaimer: I own the story and title.
Author's Note: So uhm... Hi! *waves* I'm sorry, I just rushed this! I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense and if it's not that good. Anyway, this is my present for
cutieroo_211 !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR!!!!! :D I hope you enjoy this somehow! :D Please do comment! ^-^
He’s such a kid... And he’s supposed to be my hyung… Seriously, what has the world gone to... )