it me! Dr3-san! PRO-smut writer, claimed by Mary!
kichul1106 .And ima doing some special smut requests! those who read and commented my work knows what my quircks and downfalls are. those who don't know me, i write pretty hardcore smut, not the best, but i have improved over the course of writing. ANYWAYS! Ima be writing smut and posting them time to time in the month of DECEMBER. i'll accept up to 12, but the more, the merrier i guess! HOWEVER! i ONLY do CERTAIN pairings. Because, its hard for me to write certain pairings/person and ima VERY strict about it sometime... ANYTHING OTHER THEN THAT, I'll also ONLY do the following fandoms. HOWEVER, if anyone wants to include a certain band/pairing not mention, requested it, and it shall be forfilled!
OTHER THEN THAT, plx read and follow!