[Request] SiHan Timeless fic (fulfilled)

Aug 03, 2008 00:00

Okay~! I have a requesttttt <3 (hopefully it's okay with the mods? >.>)
I'm looking for this fic that one of my friends had read, and she was telling me about it but didn't mem it, and for the life of her, couldn't find it. It's a SIHAN pairing fic, based off of the Timeless love Mv's. She said it had something to do with Hankyung being close to YeonHee... and something with Siwon (obviously xDDD)
Sorry for the incredibly vague description, but that's all she could remember~ It'd be a great help if anyone knew what I was talking about <333

Thanks so much

fbunnie and
diawook <3333


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