Title: Truth or Dare
Pairings: Hints of Yunjae and Eunhae, and plenty of misunderstandings regarding Changkyu, Minho/Changmin/Kyuhyun, and Minho/everyone (again - MISUNDERSTANDINGS xD).
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: Super Junior, DBSK, SHINee (main); includes SNSD, Exo and f(x)
Chapters: 1/21
Summary: Kyuhyun, Minho and Changmin decide to play a game of truth or dare. The goals? Don't let anyone find out. Inflict complete and utter humiliation. Do not lose - seriously. Do. Not. Lose...Obviously it's not long before it all descends into complete and utter chaos.
“If we could bludgeon Kangin with Kyu’s laptop, I’m pretty sure there are things we could do,” Minho pointed out.