Main Title : The Mute Queen (24/?)
Chapter Title : Lost Direction
Character : future!boy!Sungmin, past!girl!Sungmin, Heechul, Kyuhyun, Hangeng, Seohyun, Siwon, Sunny, Donghae
Pairing : Heemin, Kyumin, Seokyu, Slight!Hanchul
Type: Chaptered
Genre : Timeslip AU, Romance, Angst, Saeguk AU
Rating : PG
Disclaimer : this story is truly fiction. Not correlated to Korean real history at all
Summary :
The King expected she would talk back like saying ‘I had fun before you came’ or like years ago before Lord Eunhyuk’s incident which she would approach him, cleaning the dust on his shoulder with her hands then gave him her usual smile ‘Welcome back Yoebo. You’re tired right? I’ve prepared a special herbal tea for you’. But she didn’t do either of that ......
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