Cracktastic Chapter 5!

May 02, 2008 00:08

Title: Kawaii
Chapter: 5/?
Fandom: Super Junior, Hongo Kanata
Pairing: HeeChul/Kanata
Rating: PG/PG13... might eventually get up to R
Summary: HeeChul has a cute new costar (I think we've established that I suck at summaries, yes?)
WARNINGS: crack, crack, and more crack. a little drama in the beginning, some mild swearing, and did I mention crack? XD
Notes: I...have no explanation. This is what happens when Kurai has absolutely no plan for a story at all. ^^;

As always, a BIG thank you to ivy_snowe, sisowath, sleepingtensai, my little sister, and my friends for putting up with all my ranting and actually liking this piece of crap crack. XD

( I am a fake cut. You click me. )

Previous chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 4

with: hongo kanata, pairing: heechul/other

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