Title: Antithesis - Chapter 4c
Pairing: KyuMin
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Girl!Wook here. ^^ ; To comment, click on the “press play. ♪” button. XD ; I hope this chapter answers some the questions. XD This chapter is mostly flashbacks. ^^ ; There are curses here. Beware. XD
Summary: Though in the same year and in the same school, Kyuhyun and Sungmin are the exact opposite of each other. So to say, the antithesis of each other. Although, would this antithesis be the cause of a beautiful relationship?
I don't want to talk to you. Other Chapters:
Prologue |
Chapter 1a |
Chapter 1b |
Chapter 2a |
Chapter 2b |
Chapter 3a |
Chapter 3b |
Chapter 4a |
Chapter 4b