Title:100 Suju Fics
Date started: Nov.26,2007
No.of Fics:/100
http://lucid-acolyte.livejournal.com/2250.htmlA/N: um...be wary of my weird humor again? ^^;;
Also, the drabble was sort of inspired by FT island's seoul concert XD
50. Lost. Heechul/Kyuhyun
G. 483 words
Heechul stared at the
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*ghost says~ OMG, of course Hongfart would take appa literally...*^__^*
and omg, the chibi!Suju fic was too adorable~ of course heenim would have been a smirky scary kid, but its so nice that he helped kyuhyunnie~*
I do think he probably will scar Suju for life if they did meet when they're young. ~XD
thanks for reading~!! *gives cookies*
yes. he would scar them. Like meet one time, and then years later they find out that will be in the same group together and everyone is hiding from him except for Shi, Han, Ki, cause, shiwon thinks he can teach him the way of god, and Hangeng doesn't understand half the stuff he says, and kibum was in america~ *^_^* YAY COOKIES!
True~! If only they knew, they won't even go near chullah... XDXDXD
-first meeting-
Heechul: Hi slaves~! >XD
ShiHanBum: *stares*
Others: -at the farthest end of the room*
..how sad is it that i could see that happening? XD
Don't forget that wook would probably be crying into Yesungies shoulder XD
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