Miracle 13oys FS Presents...
- NONE of our subbed videos are to be uploaded ANYWHERE by anyone!!! We will provide some alternate links.
- None of our subbed videos are to be uploaded to ANY streaming site AT ALL! We will provide the streaming site on our blog [
http://miracle13oys.blogspot.com/]- There will be no permissions granted for hosting ANY of our super show subbed videos - We will NOT be nice if we find ANYONE uploading ANY of our subbed super show videos ANYWHERE regardless if they are DDLs or streaming!!!
Raw Provider: Hanarero ;; Translator: justeasy @ aigo-media ;; Spot Translator: won;pearl @ sjfullhouse.net ;; Timer: isha_eisya ;; Editor: purple_princess ;; QC'er & Typesetter: lil_aqua_chic ;; Encoder: jixji
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