Vote for SJM NOW!! Deadline is soon!! [29th of Oct]
All you have to do is scroll down to the 8th category and click on the box with Super Junior M U and then scroll to the end of the page and click on the left button to submit!
Also don't forget to add in your details at the bottom of the page or else your vote won't be submitted!!
First box is name; second box is your gender [男 means male, 女 is female]; 3rd box is email; 4th box is your cellphone number; 5th box is your address; and last box is your postal code.
Make sure the popup box comes up saying this message: 恭喜您,您的信息提交成功。谢谢。[Congratulations, your details have been submitted, thank you]
Also...if you alter your details just a tad can vote again XD I've tried this and it works so everyone DO IT!
Everyone MUST VOTE!!!!