Jun 29, 2005 10:00
After going to bed last night at 11-something, I woke up at 2-something and again at 5-something. Well, six hours of sleep is better than the previous nights, and I'll probably take a nap later, so I got out of bed and wandered around. I called Erik and located myself on the map, then went in search of breakfast. I went to a bakery that was closed yesterday afternoon and was shown to the back, where they had trays of fresh, unknown, and unlabeled baked things. I picked one with flaky dough and also bought some grapfruit juice (total price: 1 CP). After some more wandering I went back to the hostel and changed and went over to the beach. The water was a bit cold until 100 feet out, when it suddenly became much warmer. The waves are gentle, and there are parallel ridges of sand on the bottom. Wading in, it gets deeper, than shallower, then deeper, then shallower, then deeper again. The water is slightly green, and there's almost nothing besides sand. By the time I got back to the hosel, I had been up 2 hours.
My mom bought me a copy of The Time Traveler's Wife for me to read on vacation and I started on it this morning while waiting for the 'net place to open. After about an hour and a half of reading, I'm on page 101.