Graphix Request

Apr 06, 2007 02:00

I don't know what I have to offer, but if you'd be nice enough to help me you could name your price/keep an I.O.U. :D

I want an icon/banner, NOT SMALL, with a black background and these words on it:

I aM tHe BeAuTiFuL dArK UnDeAd aNgRy MaD iNsAnE sExY gOtH vAmPiRe BiTcH fRoM hElL yOu AlL lOvE tO hAtE aNd HaTe To LoVe

~*Madeline* [Twilight Rainbow]~

Emphasized words:
"beautiful" - large, yellow
"undead" - large
"angry" - red
"mad" - dark red
"insane" - small, large
"sexy" - hot pink
"vampire" - bronze, large
"hell" - blood red
"love" - rose, large
"hate" - burgundy, small
"hate" - crimson, large
"love" - violet, small

The rest in same size prink, white.
Don't forget the sticky caps.
And if you want to be creative I wouldn't say no :D

Please and thank you!!!

[Even if you don't help me, thank you for at least noticing!!!]

Anyone have any suggestions for where I could go/who I could go to for such a thing?

Love regardless<3
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