interests meme

Jul 11, 2004 02:36

Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in
1. books score: 14
2. love score: 14
3. poetry score: 12
4. dancing score: 12
5. literature score: 12
6. philosophy score: 11
7. chocolate score: 10
8. friends score: 9
9. sleeping score: 9
10. harry/draco score: 9
11. photography score: 9
12. cats score: 9
13. fanfiction score: 9
14. web design score: 8
15. gay rights score: 8
16. yoga score: 8
17. computers score: 8
18. laughing score: 8
19. johnny depp score: 8
20. concerts score: 7

coded by ixwin
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Tr賠int鲥ssant. Scarily enough, all that is pretty much what I do like. Except web design, as I'm retarded when it comes to all that techie stuff. Not suprised books is number one! *g*


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