Power Struggles

Jun 13, 2009 06:49

Summary: Hound was Trailbreaker's friend before he was Mirage's lover. Too bad nobody taught those two to share or play nice. Now plans will be made, feelings will be hurt, and a few bets will be made.

Author's note: *sigh* This was suppose to be a drabble to pass the time while the boyfriend watched the NHL playoffs on television and I was waiting for the next chapter of my Learning Curve rewrite to come back from my beta. The plot fox (much more viscious than my typical plot bunnies) hopped up on the futon and refused to move. Now, it's going to turn into this muti-chapter monster and I am powerless to halt it. Oh well. Some characters will probably seem OOC. But love does funny thing to even the most normal.

Standard disclaimer: I own nothing. Please don't sue.

No one could pinpoint the exact moment the power struggle between Trailbreaker and Mirage began.

Most thought the problem started when Hound's relationship to the spy became public knowledge. There were a few that thought the real tension set in shortly after when Hound was injured and the first name he uttered after coming out of stasis was Mirage and not Trailbreaker. There were two others who knew the whole thing began long before either of these two events on a random weekday in the rec room.

However, everyone could pinpoint the cause: Hound. Mirage never had to share anything before, be it material items or his lover's time. The only thing Trailbreaker ever had that was his own was Hound's attention. Both mechs could be described as territorial. It was a situation that seemed destined for angry, hurt feelings.

“Hey, Hound, wanna go check out that cave Beachcomber found?” Trailbreaker asked flopping into a chair next to Hound. The strategist really wanted his friend to agree. He hadn't been able to spend any time with the jeep since Mirage came into the picture. And he knew Mirage had night shifts all week long.

“Sound's fun. It'll be interesting to check out the local night life. Maybe we could bring back some mineral samples for Perceptor,” Hound responded enthusiastically. It seemed like it had been ages since he left the ark for anything other than his scheduled patrols. Mirage wasn't the “outdoorsy” type by any means. And it had been awhile since he spent time with his best friend.

At that moment Mirage literally appeared out of thin air and sat (he would never do anything as undignified as flop) in the chair on the other side of Hound. “Hello, Hound,” he smiled warmly. “Trailbreaker,” he added in a polite tone. He knew the bigger mech didn't care for him. And he thought he knew why, but he would never be outright rude to his lover's best friend when said lover was sitting not even two feet away. “Hound, I was wondering if you wanted to join me tonight? Smokescreen needed to switch shifts so I now have the evening free.”

“I'd love to, 'Raj,” Hound replied and Trailbreaker could have sworn his fuel pump stopped. “But, 'Breaker asked me to go check out a cave that Beachcomber found.” And with that Trailbreaker's fuel pump started up again. “I'd invite you, but it's an overnight thing and I know how you feel about those.”

Mirage felt his smile slip before quickly recovering. “Oh, I see.”

“Maybe we can do something tomorrow night?” Hound offered, hearing something he couldn't describe in the other's tone. Maybe he should have invited him anyway. Sometimes he found it hard to judge the noblemech's mood.

“Sure, Hound. I'll see if I swing another shift change with Smokescreen,” Mirage replied.

Hound smiled and got up to get all three a refill from the energon dispenser.

“A cave? Nice move,” Mirage turned to Trailbreaker as soon as Hound was out of audio range.

“I'm not sure what you mean,” Trailbreaker tried his best to sound innocent. He wasn't about to let the Tower brat goad him in front of Hound and make him look like a petty and jealous youngling.

“Oh, I think you do,” Mirage's tone approached sub-zero. “You think an overnight trip will be enough to lure him away?” Mirage was not going to loose Hound to Trailbreaker. The scout was the first 'bot to get past his walls and into his spark since his home fell.

“He was my friend before he even knew your name,” Trailbreaker hissed at the former noble mech. It wasn't like him to be this way, but something about Mirage had been rubbing him the wrong way for a long time.

“Yet it's my name that always seems to be on his CPU,” Mirage answered back. Usually, he wouldn't let his temper flare up this much, but Trailbreaker seemed to bring out his ugly side.

Whatever the truck was about to say was interrupted by Hound's return. “Hound, I was just thinking and it seems we both have some vacation time coming. Maybe we could take a week off and go somewhere?” Mirage offered one of his rare smiles.

“Really? 'Raj, that would be great,” Hound beamed at his lover. So far Mirage had been reluctant to take a trip away from the relative comfort of the ark. He missed the scowl on Trailbreaker's face. He also missed the smirk on Mirage's face when he turned toward Trailbreaker to make plans for their overnight trip.

The three chatted until it was time for Hound and Trailbreaker to start their shifts, patrol and monitor duty respectively. If Hound picked up on any ugly undercurrents he didn't show it.

Prowl and Red Alert, who were sitting two tables away, however had no problem picking up on the tension. They had the good graces to wait until the trio left before openly discussing it however.

“What do you think?” Red Alert asked casting a glance toward the door.

“I think we should stay out of it for now. They can sort it out. None of them are younglings,” Prowl responded following Red's gaze. “If it starts to affect their duties we will step in.”

“No, I mean who do you thing will win?” Red clarified. He gave Prowl a mischievous smile. “Oh, come on. Don't give me that look. I know you're already calculating the odds.”

Prowl just stared at his friend for a long moment. Sometimes the security director could be down right quirky. “Easy. Nothing against Mirage but I would say Trailbreaker. He has more in common with Hound.”

“Yeah, but Mirage has that whole “I lost everyone and everything so I have to act untouchable yet I'm emotionally wounded” thing happening. And we all know how soft-sparked Hound can be.”

“Fine. If you're right I'll sign off on your request to have the twins permanently banned from monitor duty.”

“And if you're right?”

“You give me all the blackmail material you have on Jazz and myself. And I do mean all.”

“Deal,” Red held out his hand to Prowl.

PS: I know Trailbreaker/Hound/Mirage triangle isn't all that original, but just roll with it please. Besides, technically it isn't a triangle since Trailbreaker only wants Hound for his friendship and not his body. And review pretty please (nudge nudge).

hound, transformers, fanfic, trailbreaker, mirage

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