Feb 12, 2009 00:16
That's what I said...SKITTLES VODKA!
Look it up....it might possibly my new favorite beverage...okay, so it won' be good champagne.
Marc and I are trying to make the skittles infused drink...I shall share results. Right now, it is very colorful :D That's usually a good sign!
In other news...still feeling apathetic toward school and life in general. I hope I can get out of this funk in time to actually do well this semester. If I don't prove myself to the fellowship people and to...well...myself...I might as well give up. Blah. I want a real job so I can whine about how I miss school....:)
Oh! Any Laptop name ideas? Ours is shiny...black...and made by Acer. I am looking for suggestions. :)