Oct 03, 2010 09:45
Hungary is electing again! Oh yeah! I couldn't wait to be part of this fantastic event again! /sarcasm I had to wake up at 4:00 am to go to work. Duh. Guess how my face looks like right now. And because our village have a lot of "candidates" [meaning: a lot of idiots who are convinced that they would do everything better] for major and for congressman too, probably we will be here at least for a good 24 hours.
We did the tasks that were assigned to do by this time, so we're waiting for the next step. And I'm kind of bored right now, hence this overentertaining entry, which I'm probably going to edit during the day a dozen times to avoid falling of my chair of fatigue and/or boredom.
I brought the shit I need to learn for my exam on 20th with me, but I just can't make myself to study. Maybe later...
EDIT 1: Step 3 is done. We don't have to do anything till noon, unless something unusual happens. I so don't want to study, that I actually found some paperwork to do while waiting. At least I'll be done with my everyday paperwork sooner on next week.
EDIT 2: It's bloody cold in here! I'm freezing!
EDIT 3: Uh-oh... Boss lady is nervous like hell! No wonder with all the idiots we have here. And of course it matters with whom will we work together for the upcoming years. If we will at all... namely there are candidates who tell people, that if he will be put in, most of us will be fired.
EDIT 4: In every situation there is something good. I found Kelli's film, E=mc2. I've been searhing for it a long time with no luck. Can't wait to watch it! I'm so curious about this film and her performance.
EDIT 5: Voted. Just got back to "enjoy the party" moar!
EDIT 6: It's 7 pm. The voting is over, but our work has just begann. Hope we'll finish with everything without trouble and the outcome will be favorable for us. By this time not only the Boss lady is nervous, but all of us!
EDIT 7: The whole thing is over finally! The outcome is quite good. I got home at 3 am, was in bed by 3:20 am, got up at 7 am and now I am at work again. Yay! Can't wait this day to be finally over!
rl - random whining,
fangirl stuff,
actress: kelli williams,
rl - work,
pointless entry is boring,
rl - random happenings