I can't believe it's almost over! I had so much plan for the week that I haven't had the chance or time to follow through. Probably because I got sick by monday... FML! Trust me to get cold while I'm on holiday! I FAIL in so much way!
But in spite of my sore troath, headaches, coughing, tiredness and all that crap (which still last btw), I managed to relax and have some fun too.
I slept till noon almost every day which is not that much if I add that I stayed up too late all nights, but anyway...
Last saturday I went to party with the "old" girls. :) It was an out of the blue idea, they surprised me with the call. The concert was in the open and there were heavy rain all day, but we haven't partied together since... I don't even remember how long. Fortunately the rain stopped by the evening and they set up a huge tent over the whole thing. It was so much fun, we danced, sang and had a great time! I took my camera to take photos as evidence of ME HAVING FUN to some people. *cough*
zsofi_923 and Marcsi*cough* We took a lot, but some of them... I mean a lot of them aren't siutable for public viewing. So after the censoring and some photoshoppping (I only edited the background and add some text, I swear!) here are some of the better ones. TBH, I think they're quite good! :)
What can I say? Like old times, Anikó's da BOMB on the dancefloor! I needed to bustle up to keep pace with her. Probably I'm too out of practice... I need to do something about it.
The TWO OF US COULDN'T wore her out but thank godness we had a backup plan for that situation! Our one and only party-driver, who wasn't too happy about the whole going-to-the-party thing btw, but in exchange the Band dedicated one of the first songs to him. "Az első villamos már elindult felénk... csilingel amerre jár..." LOL Aren't they cute thogether?
This is the best photo I took. I really like it. A lot. They're soo adorable and full of life, like in real life. We are friends for about TWENTY years and did many stupid and funny things together, went through a lot and laughed even more through the years. Unfortunately we haven't had the opportunity to get together much lately, because of various reasons, like living far from each other and working much, but if we do that's quiet the roll every time!
This is Noki's kamikaze-shot of me enjoying the... the feel of the party. And the vodka we had... but that's another story. I don't have to mention, that I wasn't posing for this. LOL!
This one was taken in the parking lot by Laci, our party-driver, before we headed home.
On sunday I was a little tired, my feet hurt and haven't had much voice because of the cigarette smoke and the too much singing. so I was lazing around, watched the last two episode of Big Bang Theory and Bones. We finally got to know what happened to the elevator! Aw Leonard! And of course Sheldon Cooper FTW again! Yay! :D
As for Bones I liked the new gravedigger ep, although it wasn't that powerful in my opinion. I believed her when she said this isn't over yet, I'm sure there will be more gravedigger episode. The season finale was good too, the airport scene was heartbreakingly beautiful. Emily and David were great, they performed their characters inner struggle very well through the whole ep! I'm courious what TPTB keep in store for B&B for the next season!
By monday I was sick so I did nothing other than spend time on FB and twitter and watch movies (if I didn't have to turn off my computer because of the oh-so-frequent stroms lately), which I continued till thursday. Yesterday my cellphone started to play Beware of the dog by Jamelia at 8:40 am, letting me know that somebody needs me immediately. I got called to work to make a report that brooks no delay. *hangs head* So I went. SFM. I swear I didn't even think about work till friday, but I was there for three ours and I got so annoyed and ansty that people got my nerve after that. I went to my mothers workplace and was there on the afternoon, by the time we came home I calmed down. I don't want to go to work next week. (OMG! who said that?!) Instead I would like to be home ~fully healty~ doing nothing work related. Yet, tomorrow I'll try my best to cure the lasting signs of my cold, to look somewhat presentable on monday to the costumers.
In a total different note, it's only 9 DAYS till LIE TO ME RETURNS! I can't believe the hiatus is ~almost~ over! I'm so looking forward to the new eps! Especially after the promos I saw! Can't wait!!!