(no subject)

May 20, 2008 21:36

 so bummed.
 i've had of a few people that i really look up to and love to be around but my affection for them is shattering. i can't help but feel bad about it. I have, all of sudden, recognized (what i beleieve are) flaws and i don't know how to deal with it. i know it's a part of me growing up and becoming aware that no one's perfect but i've been drastically pushing these people away from me. I don't know how to treat them now and unfortunately, they are probably cofused and probably thinking like wtf is this girl's problem?! It's not right but I need distance in order to try and figure this out. I still obviously care for these people but my idea of them has definitely shifted backwards.

I don't want to start over with them but I don't want to get any closer with them. i'm confused.  & i don't want to be like "hey! i don't know how to talk with you because i've suddenly noticed all these flaws" like wtf. 
i don't want to part ways on bad terms as well but i want to try and figure this out before we part ways, 
or i will just let things happen naturally.

distance is the best answer?
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