Nov 06, 2006 09:56
Kay, so it's been a ridonkulously long time since I've posted here. Not because I'm never around LJ anymore ... it's because I suck.
So, updateage.
University physics is pwning my ass, simply because being the smart cookie I am I take the physics class that does some engineering physics as well. Hella hard. No fun, no sir.
Took roommate, the Boy, and my friend Tree home with me yesterday for the HS scholarship ceremony/homemade foods. Tree got out of line with some of the things he said (my parents are in denial about much of the relationship between me and the Boy, and Tree did NOT help...) but otherwise I'm almost certain the family loved 'em all.
This week = the week from Hell. Three essays due in a course of four days (just handed in the first), finish up an extremely hard phys. lab + assignment, plus a math quiz tomorrow. Luckily, there aren't any classes on Friday because of Rememberance Day.
Thursday will be my saving grace. No actual phys. lab to go to, my last essay is handed in, and later on I go to a potluck with the Biggar crew and then to a concert with the Boy.
... come to think of it, despite the fact that I'm going to be actually sleeping in my room for the better part of this week so I can pull some serious all-nighters like last night, I'm going to be spending a ton of time with the Boy. Friday me and him are driving back up to his hometown for the long weekend to meet all his friends and family back there. Not that I'm complaining or anything, really. :)
So, my current plan of attack? Put away clean laundry, shower, work on my second essay (half the length of the first one, woot!), go to my last class for the day and try my damnedest not to fall asleep in it, work on the essay some more, then head over to the Boy's place and sleeeeeeeep.
We've found that we're cute in the way that we don't sleep nearly as well sleeping alone as we do together. (Res family chorus: D'awwww.)
Ah, well. I'm terribly excited for the weekend, starting on Thursday. Hopefully I'll update a bit before I leave, or likely after.