Nov 28, 2007 14:23
XD So I haven't been on here in a lonnnng time, and probably won't be back for another long time, but I just had to preserve this for posterity: the awesome/stupid names we made up for our pinatas in the game Viva Pinata, which Souieh just acquired along with an XBox 360, thanks to Maher :D.
Whirlms (little worms): Mr. Wiggly, Mrs. Wiggly, Mr. Wiggly II (after the first died), Lowly, and Whirlms 5-20 (hey, they're the easiest ones to breed XD)
Sparrowmints (birds): Cap'n Jack, Elizabeth, & Will Turner
Raisants (ants): Alien Ant Farm & Annie
Tafflies (flies with elephant heads o_O): Shoo & Deadfly (it was sick/dying for a long time before we healed it)
Syrupent (snake): Salazar
Pretztails (foxes): Todd & Vixie (you know, from The Fox & the Hound), & Tails
Fudgehog (hedgehog): Sonic
Mousemallow (mouse): Minnie
Bunnycombs (rabbits): Usagi & Mamoru
Frog (can't remember their name): Slippy
Squirrel (also can't remember their name): Skippy (from Animaniacs)