The Usual - Miou Vicioso Seconds Rachel Adler's Thought

Dec 04, 2005 21:38

Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1.) I must confess, I have a tendency to correct just about anything and anyone if they fail in facts. It's an eery thing since there's this place in Péter Esterházy's infamous Harmonia Caelestis commemorating how the Father Figure corrected everyone and how natural it all seemed. But this is inhumane even in my opinion. Like, A. and P. were talking about a certain book where "you know there was this certain part about Moscow and war and the soldiers, and was written by this someone who now lives in the U.S., and you know he's very old A. said. "You mean Solzhenitsyn, 87 years old? I kinda impolitely asked.

2.) Altough I do not feel lost without maps [even in some foreign cities], I always carry more of them in my bag. There's one larger thing showing the inner districts of Budapest, and there's the very small one in my calendar. It's easier to show direction to perplexed tourists on a map and plan my routes.

3.) I look at myself and investigate my features and details of my clothing on every possible mirroring surface. The large mirrors in elegant clothing shops are the worst.

4.) OCD'ing rulez! There's this small electric heater in the bath I tend to forget about. Did I turn it off? For sure? Won't it cause fire? What if I arrive at home upon the firemen picking out some charred furniture from our living room? I always manage to turn it off, may I add. Just remember it too late...same thing I fancy with the stove.

5.) I'm unable to accept an invitation that comes out of the blue [Like "wanna party with me tonight from 8.00 PM? or I've got a ticket more to this play for today evening, wanna join?]. Some of my friends tried that, calling me after Shabbos ended, to accompany them here and there, but I'm so much used to planning that I constantly felt they ruin my plans for that particular evening.

[to sen_ichi_rei: one of my precious friends, who is working for a highly noted Hungarian filmtheory periodical, calls the ones like you - or us - The One Night Authors which is witty in my opinion. I'm a similar case, so I'm humbly trying to understand that situation. And am procrastinating even now.]

Nah, are these interesting afterall ~.~

So, I'd like to ask you to fill this in - confess those curious habits of yours:



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