The Academy Chronicles - Tiresome Thursday

Jun 23, 2005 23:37

We've been destined to wait a lot on this beautifully summerly day. First of all, there was the art history exam from 10 AM - I arrived at the same time with G., and asked the I. at the cantine whether Mr.F was there, and she told, the exam had just begun, there's a girl there in the room. Pretty surprising, we thought, and waited for the door to open, and at 9.56 AM V. stepped out relieved from finishing one more awful exam. It turned out, that she'd been panicky in the morning so she tried to get to the uni before things could got worse.
After D. and G. finished I went in with the absolute confidence of the burnt out student, facing my fate calmly. I knew things about several associations, groups, circles, name them whatever you like, but I didn't read the last chapter and was pretty confused of the pluralistic features of the era. And Mr.F asked me of my favorites from the selected interval, so I told him about the similar characteristics in Mednyánszky's, Csontváry-Kosztka's and Gulácsy's oeuvre. It was major fun, and then he shared his thoughts about Art Nouveau affecting these artists view - really intriguing. [A]

The next three hours was spent with waiting for Mr.B. We've been sitting on the 5th floor relaxing, eating cinnamon cookies and sandwiches, was kind of indescribable. It's been a year now we were accepted. A whole year and one day. What a long time it is, and it just flew away in some magical way.
But it's a magnificent feeling, that I got an A++ for my Eizenstein essay, was praised in front of everyone - though it's terrible that our class is not taken seriously. It's okay, that reading two of my essays, B. won't invite me to join ÉS, but at least asking me [and M., the genius, too, of course] whether writing serious criticism is something I [scusi, we] like or not.

Then I returned home, falling asleep on the bus, having a bad headache. Talked to S. - I realize it time to time how much I love him, and now I terribly want to be there with him, but oh, I can't, only tomorrow after Nihongo jugyo.
I had to get some sleep in the afternoon, so I just took a nap until Mrs.Z. did call me to pick up another pile of texts to be translated. And she's demanding more and more as I should pity her for being sick and less than perfect in German. Sheesh. At least she seems to be willing to pay - and she'll have to pay a lot regarding the amount of work she requires by the 30th.

Should be working now. On anything, just make some progress.

personal, work

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