Intriguing Technique - How Censorship Spoilt My Day?

Jun 26, 2006 18:13

It's not only that komputazz sux, but censorship and filtering sux too. I'm trying to bypass WebSense, but with absolutely no success. The whole day I couldn't reach my mail, the student info page of the uni let alone sports news. I do need my mail checked and I do need the info page as well...but alas, it hardly means anything to anybody. Almost everyone left, only the cleaning personnel and some servicemen are working around, why the hell can't I check my mail then?

According to the new policy, restricted pages can be accessed only on weekends. WebSense tends to work here very rhapsodically, but this is new to me. The solution applied until now were:
a.) WebSense didn't work, one could access every- and anything. Yay for freedom. *sweatdrop*
b.) The restriction were lifted during the official lunchtime, so between 12.00 and 13.00 PM, and after 15.00 PM
c.) Restricted pages could be accessed after 17.00 PM, and Web-based mail wasn't a category. Who cared about not being able to surf when there was an unlimited freedom of mailing?!
d.) Freemail too was accessible only after 17.00 PM. Cool.

But now it's friggin strict. I tried many things, but it's smart, too. Or, yeah, well configured. And finally, when I wanted to download a new Firefox through a Hungarian mirror [since, to quote S. internet IS a big blue letter E] I changed my mind: I don't want to make trouble for the girls.

So, yes, I'm coward and I want don't freedom so much.
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