thoughts on episode 18 of bridal mask

Aug 02, 2012 22:00

Unpopular opinion: this is the first episode of Bridal Mask that I wasn't completely happy with.

On the whole, I think this was a pretty good episode despite the shortage of Kang-to. Shunji, as much as I hate him, is just so compelling to watch. He's as abhorrent as ever, and he sinks to a new low (if that were possible), shooting that ajumma. It's fascinating and disconcerting how easily he puts on his old nice-guy face to deceive people.

All the Rie/Shunji scenes were INTENSE. They hate each other so much and would probably enjoy killing each other, but it seems to me that they're the ones who understand each other best. Shunji knows Rie's insecurities, and Rie knows how to push Shunji's buttons (but not after losing her cool first). I might ship them just for that highly-charged confrontation in the office.

On the heroes' side, it makes me sad that Kang-to speaks of never taking off the mask with a certain sense of doom. He never wanted to be Gaksital, but now he's stuck with this huge obligation. A lot of people depend on him and he can't let them down. Perhaps he will be Gaksital for the rest of his (hopefully not short) life. It must be frightening for him to think that there's nothing else but Gaksital in his future. He needs a hug, poor baby.

This is the part where I burst (my own) OTP bubble because I'm not sold on the Mok-dan/Kang-to sweetness yet. Don't get me wrong: I ship them and I want them to be happy together. I just don't think Mok-dan has reached the point where she loves the actual Lee Kang-to and not just some amalgamation of her two idols. She prays for Gaksital and she worries for Gaksital's safety, but it's always "Gaksital". She did mention "Young Master" once, but I think the problem is that she's subconsciously denying the person he turned into and she's just focusing on the fact that "Young Master" is Gaksital. Should this be a plot point? Hell yes.

Oh, and about that suicide bomber. If I were him, I would've grabbed Shunji (or any officer for that matter), taking him along with me. I'm excited to see the Kimuras take the flak for this mess next week. I hate them so much, any scene with them being humiliated in some form is pretty much a highlight of that episode.

kdrama, bridal mask/gaksital

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