(no subject)

Jul 04, 2005 22:39


(The rest of the world may hate you, but I think you're pretty damn swell!)

Oh, and BTW, my brother came home from Washington today!  It's great to see him.  I've missed my bubba.  He's a pretty cool guy... when he wants to be...!  We went and fed him real Tex-Mex for lunch (he was sooooo excited about the rice, of all things!), and we had Olive Garden for dinner.  I'm fat and happy right now.  (Also, Gram came home from the hospital, so it was a great day all around.)  :-)

In unrelated news, I went paintballing for the first time this weekend.  That was interesting.  I was on my way down to Temple when I got this phone call from Jay...

JAY:  "Hey, guess what?  We're going paintballing tonight.  I got you a gun and everything!"
ME: "...  ...  ..."
JAY:  "You there?"
ME:  "I'm sorry, could you run that by me one more time?"

I may live in Texas, but let's get one thing straight: I'm a city girl.  I've handled a gun exactly once in my life (about two months ago, again, at Jay's insistence).  And this nutter wants me to go sit in the woods in the middle of the night, in layers of heavy protective gear and temperatures upwards of 95 degrees, getting shot at by total strangers?!  Ha ha ha.  Uh, no.

And yet, it transpired that on Friday at around 3am, I was sitting in the woods outside of Troy, Texas, sweating my ass off and trying to make as little noise as possible whilst I fumbled around in the pitch-#$%&ing-dark and fell into large potholes every time I tried to walk anywhere.  No one shot at anyone, the entire time we were out there...  It turned out we were all using the same strategy without realizing it (hide in a good ambush spot and wait for the others to come to you... except that no one ever came to anyone...).  *shrug*

So Sunday we went to a paintball range in Waco.  And Jay and his roomie (Chris) were all decked out in their army fatigues, protective vests and all, and I'm standing there in my black jazz pants and purple tank-top (I had other clothes, I just hadn't changed yet).  Now, I'll admit, I didn't look the part.  I didn't look like I was going to bring my A-game.  But this... woman working at the range was SO RUDE to me!

JAY: "Hi, we need to pay up to play in the next game."
RUDE WOMAN:  (glares at Jenn)  "Is she going to play, too?"
JENN: (looks surprised at surliness)
JAY and JENN: "Yes."
(a few minutes later)
RUDE WOMAN:  "Okay, do y'all need to rent guns or anything?"
JAY: "No, we brought our own stuff."
RUDE WOMAN:  "Does she have a gun?"
JENN: "..."

And at this point, I'm thinking "Bitch, you wanna see my gun?!"  I felt like quite the Billie-Bad-Ass when I came walking back up in my black cargo pants, Army-issue gear vest, tournament-grade visor/helmet, and my own gun.  Ha ha.

We played two games, and lost both (the people we were playing against were tournament players, and VERY arrogant, which made losing all the more annoying, but it's whatever).  I didn't manage to shoot anyone, but I was one of the last players standing both rounds, so that was cool.

All in all, it was an "interesting" experience.  Yeah...

*sigh*  Anyway, I'd better head off to bed.  I'm babysitting tomorrow (ooooh, fun...).  More later! 
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