Mind Over Matter

Jun 14, 2005 01:33

(Please bear in mind that it's, like, 2am as I'm typing this, so please excuse any incoherence, typos, etc.)

Hmmmm, let's see...

I know for sure will have openings!!" *insert flailing, sobbing breakdown here*) It's really stressing me out. I keep having these panic-stricken moments of "OMGunemployed...". But I am confident something will pull through. And if it doesn't? I'm resourceful. And shameless. I'll figure something out...

2) On a much happier note, I got to have lunch with Crystal (aka woodisgoodcdl) the other day. That was lovely. I haven't spent as much time with her as I'd like lately, so it was really nice. We had Souper Salad and fabulous conversation on a number of topics. It was a good time (I thought so, anyway! LOL). Must do that again in the future.

3) Zach is in Washington state now, and seems to be doing alright. He's got a job and is renting a room, and he's planning on staying up there at least until the hot weather is over (which, since we're in Texas, means probably November). *eye roll* I'm glad he's doing alright, but I miss my bubba. I want hims to come home so that I can tell him I hate his guts and stuff.

4) Today I made a major dent in the Laundry Pile of Doom that was attempting to overtake my bedroom. So much laundry. *winces* I washed socks and t-shirts that hadn't seen the light of day since March. And I'm still not done. Tomorrow I get clean towels. Hoorah! Must make collection to take to Good Will soon. On the agenda for tomorrow: more laundry, bagging up the trash, laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and, erm... laundry. And beta a chapter at CM. *headdesk*

5) Okay, I've got another migraine. This is, like, the second one I've gotten in three days. NO GOOD!! This sucks! Migraines can kiss my rear end.

6) Stuff with Jay is alright. I sometimes feel like we don't really have a lot in common, and then other times it seems like we're OMGsocompatible. 'Tis weird. Colin and I had so much in common, it was sorta like what would've happened if I'd been born British (and, well, male, obviously...), but Jay is very different from me. It's more of a Ron/Hermione thing. Perhaps opposites attract or something. I dunno.

7) Speaking of That Stinky Boy, he's announced that he's going to Special Forces selection in September. SF is in North Carolina. This is very far away. I want him to go--it's something he's always wanted to do, and I'm proud of him for going after what he wants--but I'm anxious about what will happen to the relationship. Oh well. It'll work out for the best, whatever happens. I have confidence.

8) Was flist-added by two incredibly cool authors for whom I fangirl quite shamelessly (*waves to Laura and Joy!*) and a GJ bud (*waves at Shaddi*), and dropped by someone else for as-yet unexplained reasons. *shrugs* As my friend Daniel says, "It's whatever." Such is the world of The LJ. It's like a microcosm of life. People come and go, and you find out who's worth keeping and who can be edited off. LJ is deep. (Not really. Well, maybe a little. But not much. I dunno.)

MESSAGE TO ALL PWGI's AND/OR BOOK PARTY FOLK: We need to start planning for our fabby HP:HBP Book 6 Get-Together Party/Festival/Mass Fangirling event.

gits_r_us -- Think you might be able to attend an event in FW that night if someone could give you a ride? You are, of course, more than welcome!

texasmagic -- If you're still interested in hangin' with us PWGI's that night, drop me an e-mail so I can get your e-mail addy and keep you posted on the goings-on. I'm at DramaTchrGrrl(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Yeah. That's about all I got. I'm going to try to sleep now. Werd.

As always,
Jennie the Bear
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