Apr 19, 2005 18:34

Dude!  I just realized that this is my (approximate) one year anniversary in the Harry Potter fandom!

(Go on, congratulate me...!) *sassy wink*

At this time last year, I was just discovering the Snitch Seeker forums, didn't know another soul in the fandom (not really), and hadn't yet discovered the wonderful world of HP fanfic.  Today, I'm a proud member of the PWGI (People Who Get It--if you don't know, feel free to ask!), a self-professed canon-thumper, and I hold the esteemed (at least in my eyes) title of Beta Reader/"Prefect" over at Checkmated.com!

The HP fandom has introduced me to some wonderful works of fiction, and some even better friends.  Even though I don't frequent Snitch Seeker any more, I have them to thank for ushering me into this bizarre and wonderful world.  I can say without shame that the HP fandom has brightened my life in so many ways!  Tara, Christina, Crystal, Angi, Marcell, and Heather are six individuals I am proud to count as very dear friends, whom (chances are) I would never have met if it weren't for the HP fandom.  If you're reading this journal, it's because you're probably involved in the HP fandom in some way, too (with the exception of Kimberlee and Adam, who know my other "secret identity, bwahahahaha!).

So, yay for all of us!  LOL  Go *huggle* or *toekiss* a fandom friend today.


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