Format: mp4
Duration: 43min
File 1 : 2 : 3 : 1 -2 must join with HJsplit
password : name of coupling single in REAL which Reno make (13 characters)
Notice: do not re-upload to any streaming sites (like Youtube, Dailymotion, etc)
and please support ViViD by buy their Single, DVD,Album if you can
first of all English isn't my native language and yes.. i use it not as well
second i so doubt why the person who say they are ViViD's fan don't know name of Reno's song in REAL's single??
i already gave a hint > name of coupling single in REAL which Reno make (13 characters) 零乃のカップルシングルだよ!分かる?< if you still don't know ..i think you're not ViViD's fan and no need to watch it
last... yes the file quality is not so good... if you want to watch a premium quality you must buy their single and get your own copy Getching?