Oct 13, 2004 21:32
I'll start off with the fact that I have a splitting headache. Now to backtrack.
I took the PSAT this morning, I was expecting it to be really easy but that wasn't the case. The practices seemed easier; maybe because there was nothing really riding on them. After the PSAT Sally sat on me. I am alarmed. Then I went to lunch with Molly Lauren Billy. I had a really shitty end of the day at school and then I went to McDonalds AGAIN with Erin after school. Good choices. I made cookies and took them to Molly and Merph. Both are ill. Or were. Or something. Then I went to work and filled out lots of paper work. Between tomorrow and sunday I work 24 hours total. My mom is so mad she is splitting hairs. I have to take the car tomorrow but she refuses to give it to me friday. She has a serious panic attack about this. I decided it would be best not to bring up the fact that my dad and I both said from day 1 that I would need my own car. Well done. So today my mom went crazy claiming that I said I would only be working one day a week for 6 hours. That is not possible. No place hires people like that. I am going to be working one day during the Mon-Thur period. Then two days Fri-Sun. It's not that bad. I kept up with everything when I had volleyball. She just wants to panic. She claims my grades will go down so much and whatnot but really they wont. I'll be just as busy as I always have been. I don't know, I just can't seem to calm her down. My dad is really big on "I want to see results" so he's not going to go crazy, I just have to keep my grades up. My mom is losing it.
This means a lot more yelling. Going upstairs now