For posterity, I GMed
GGE today, which is largely an exercise in patience considering it's kind of a low bar. I'm a little annoyed by that, but I'm also grateful, because I feel like that's one more thing off the checklist forever.
Until they rebalance the scores so my high score's only "Master" and I have to try again, like with
CAVE GLIDER [not sure why all caps].
I also got to Stage 4? in Gradius III [SNES], which is a feat for me not having played it before. I got as far as Macbeth [Course 3, Stage 5] in StarFox Original Flavour as well, which is moderately annoying because StarFox is the first game I remember beating on my own. I even beat Course 3, which even
kiken hasn't, though mostly because at the time I didn't know any better about framerate and that it was really an awful game despite the hype.
Sorry I haven't posted much here, but I've been trying to do stuff a little longer-lasting than game playing. Don't wager there are many folks reading this to let down, tho.