its a metaphor!

Nov 30, 2010 12:25

i came here by coincidence because someone added me as a friend. i dont use this site anymore. i also avoided it for a long time when i was recovering. now i dont find it triggering anymore.

i just wanted to leave an entry anyway because i think there are quite a few that have left here and gone to recovery, never to come back again to this site.

everything here is so one-sided, and i think you tend to lose yourself in those thoughts. of course i know that this site was a good way to devote my time to the food-related thoughts and to draw back and live in that world when i felt i didnt belong to the outside world. and sure i needed it. but please please remember, that you create these obsessions because of a still bigger and much more complicated issue deep inside. and you can always chose to confront it. i can just say the stereotypical thing of IT IS WORTH IT. and it is indeed.
all this shit is not important. when you fight your way back you will find that your perception of the world changes. i leant so much. i also dont regret the way i was but all i see now was the awful pain i wasnt able to express. and thats what i see here. i am so fucking sorry you have to put up with all that shit. but please let me tell you that you all deserve to life your life, as yourselves, in a good place. and dont come telling me with some kind of selfpity that you dont deserve it. because it is simply not true. if you need selfpity, than pity yourself for the real bad things that happened to you. not for the cheeseburger you ate. not for your belly.
your own world can change! you will see how beautiful it is to be honestly yourself around people that love you just like you are because indeed there is no perfection.
thats why we find people that match us.
we are all human beings, woman, man.
and this is your life damn it!

dont take this wrong, i just wanted to post a little hope, something that makes all these posts about food and all relative. something from someone recovered. i also dont want to seem like a missoner! take this only as what it is: words from me to you.
i hope you understand.

maybe you already know this, maybe you hear this often. it is about understanding emotionally and making a choice. it is possible to recover and although it is mainly an issue you have to fight though all by yourself, it helps lots to have support.

i send you all a big hug from my heart!

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