Title: neon
eiryiaRating: pg-13
Warnings: one sexual joke and a few cursing/swearing
Summary: hong kong is the last stop of their asian concert tour but the start of something special.
Notes: hello
eiryia, I'm sorry this is so lame, cheesy and unbetated but I hope you will enjoy it!(
run away to a place where no one will know us and live happily ever after )
The beginning of your story got my heart beating faster just by how he (by Mino’s memory) whispered about them running away to live happily ever after.. *sigh* that sure does sound nice doesn’t it? How Mino was grabbed by the wrist and pulled along by the crowd sure makes it feel like the start to an amazing adventure!
First of all do I have to say that I love the way you write! It’ so descriptive and vivid I can almost feel the surroundings as I read about them! Your choice of words is impeccable and I particularly love how you used nimbleness (I’ve been wanting to do the same after reading lotr where hobbits are described as nimble xD) so yes! Writing style approved! and the story certainly weren’t lame or dumb or anything close to it! Simply amazing *u* well done!
Mino’s perspective is so precious in your story, how his heart beats faster, how he describes what he loves about Seungyoon, his love for food and adventure. It made me really wonder how he sees the world around him.
You also added so many of the things minyoon is known for in real life. Their food dates, their love for toys and their fun easy going attitude. I feel like they were just drifting around from place to place smiling and eating and it was just so them! We seem to view the pair pretty similar and it was really nice to recognize those things!
I noticed how there were quite a few references to well knows works that really added to the magic. Like how they were tumbling through the streets as if in Alice in Wonderland and I half expected them to end up in Narnia after their visit into the wardrobe. Ahaha and then of course Mino wouldn’t think of Narnia, but Captain America and its brilliant! Now if only he had claimed those lips *^* ahaha oh well, it was still magical!
"I would have fallen in love with you if I was a girl" I was side eyeing this line so hard! No no no!
The way you described the city, full of contrasts and wonders yet facing reality and dealing with it as it was. The people walking the streets and how drastic the change is from day to night. That is enough to move anyone, when you then continue to draw the contrast between Seungyoon and the city.. ahhh.. "the fortress of his heart" *clutches own heart* T.T
The only thing I struggled with on the first reading is how Yoon asks why Mino looks at him that way. Yet he never acted on it? Making him feel like a fool. My heart really hurt in sympathy for Mino then after all we had learned about his feelings so far.
Then came the I’m dating someone and my heart hurt even more >.< the disappointment! Poor Mino!
Ah and then.. well I pretty much yelled out loud OF COURSE HE WILL WAIT! Getting judged hard by everyone around me! And then I shouted AW even louder because of the kiss!
I could quote half of the fic and I did quote it a bit on twitter already. I love it so much, thank you!
Come here, let me love you <3
(ps: I love cheeky Seunghoon in this! He is the best!)
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