Blood Ties "5:55"

Oct 26, 2007 16:13

For those of you who know me - this is the episode I've been waiting for. I would encourage any and all who love a mystery/ paranormal suspense to watch this on Lifetime TV tonight!
My expectations were high and were quickly exceded by some excelent writing and totally amazing acting. Christina Cox made be believe she was really Vicki Nelson P.I. And that she dearly loves the two men who are vying for her attention.

Please - if you are reading this - Log on to Lifetime TV and make your voice heard. They still have not renewed this show for an additional season and time is nearly up! Even if you are not a fan of the network "Blood Ties is a wonderful escape to adventure (and some lovely eye-candy) on Friday nights this fall.

Tanya Huff fans unite! We have work to do and this is not the time to give up!

Send postcards begging for more Blood Ties to:

Lifetime Entertainment
309 West 49th Street
New York, NY 10019

Attn Susanne Daniels or Attn: Andrea Wong
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