
Feb 02, 2011 23:09

What's this I hear?
Why, another day off of school, you say, and still no one has found me?
Well, that's okay, self!
We'll manage somehow, just as we always do.
Writing time again, y/y?

Wait, did he just propose in a LAUNDROMAT?! Ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu-


I want a Mint Chocolate chip... sandwich... with gramcracker crust... on whole wheat bread... with orange bits... and salt on top? WTF? Where do I get these ideas?

Anyone who has suggested happiness comes from Sunshine has never danced in the Rain~

This was her chance, wasn't it? She has always had problems with the way her life was going, the chores and grievances of being a teen... Then she comes across one portal, and she's sucked into the black-hole like mass, and reverted to the age of four years. Of course she remembers everything- how could she not? Still, without the pressure of teenage hormones she easily resumed her child-like tendencies. Childhood was her favorite time and place. She had quite a few kwirks as a child, so it shouldn't surprise her when the crew got surprised a few times. For instance, that time when she had a cut on her knuckle...

The whole bridge was staring at her, and even though she was quite literally in the middle of the Bridge, she still felt the urge to yell full blast 'WHAT?!' but she refrained. Also she went because to licking her knuckle gently and deftly, cradling it with one hand at her tongue contoured into it. In her mind cleaning and soothing the cut in one fell swoop. It had worked for her mothers cat [Minne, whose actual name she still couldn't spell. Min-yawn?] and ever since it worked for her as well.
Jim chuckled, and she turned her eyes up, looking under her thin lashes at his face. She loved the fact that everyone was so much taller than her, loved the thrill of being lifted up as he did for her now. She giggled, removing her mouth from the cut to reach for his face. "Jiwwy~" She slurred out, still not used to her tiny mouth. Besides that fact she also liked talking in accents when nobody suspected it wasn't out of her control. Giggling again when he bumped his nose gently against her lightly freckled one, he murmured, "Silly, Bones heals your scrapes for you, remember?" Her big golden brown eyes widened as she pouted slightly. "Ywes, Mowwy Jiwwy. Papa Bownsie can hewl me fwom now on, Mmm? Buh," She stated as sternly as she could, but couldn't contain her giggles when Jim frowned at her again, "Faw'er Spowk und you hawe to be there wif' me! 'Ou guys newer see each other of'en 'nough, anyway. 'Specially not wif' me a'ound."

Oh Gawd that was teeth rotting adorable. I should continue snippets of the universe.

Every since young Jane T. Kirk was born into this world, she had felt bonds. Sure, at first she had no idea what it was [because babies, while smart, still need to learn first] except that it was a steady presence in her life, unlike her mother. It wasn't that her mother didn't love her- she loved her so very much. It's just that in order to raise two children, one a young boy and an infant girl, she had to work a lot. She didn't just suddenly get up and say "Hey, let's marry some douche and dump my kids on him!" No, she needed time to grieve, time to mend herself. Still, when she needed babysitters she would Pike to do it. Pike only managed during the younger years of Jane, before she could remember. Then he had to go back to Starfleet and that left Winona to take care of her children.

Soon she got a very well paying job that allowed her time with her children, and eventually Frank. While Jane had issues with Frank, she didn't all out loath him, he just got on her nerves sometimes. He was actually a rather good man, but everyone has their tempers. Through all that, she had a bond. There was a young boys voice, close to her age that would speak to her. There also a boy much older than both of them [by child's standards, anyway] who was much closer to her but just as unreachable. At the beginning it was in a very foreign language that soothed her mind like a balm on burned skin from the younger boy. The Older boy called it "Vulcan" and helped teach both of them English. Spock said that the Elders had wondered how he had learned English so fast but had brushed it off as his mothers influence. In return he taught them how not to make a fool of themselves if they were going to have polite conversation with a Vulcan.

When he began speaking the same language as her, and she spoke to both of them, and he would help her learn things. At two years old, he had taught her not only how to read basic things, but to read the Glatic!News. Bones had been a big help on resources though When Winona had witnessed her baby doing that, she was very proud of her baby, but encouraged her to hide her smarts. Not for bad reasons, but because she knew first hand what it was like to be the youngest kid in class. But back to the link. He said his name was Spock, and he was the Planet Vulcan. Bones as she had dubbed the older boy had grumbled about how he suspected that. He was a full two years older than her, and he was going to be bonded to a Vulcan girl named T'Pring. Neither she nor Bones was happy about this. Bones said he was Leonard McCoy,  and grudgingly admitted that he preferred Bones- but only from them. He was from Georgia, which he showed them on a map in his mind where it was. It was one of the few things he had discovered about the bond.

Spock expressed to her and Bones the same emotions he was told he was supposed to repress every day. His 'favorite' topics were the ones regarding the bullies and the engagement that he didn't particularly want. Both her and Bones growled in their heads at this growing concern. Bones confessed he had aviophobia because of a couple incidents of falling out a tree when he was younger. Both she and Spock had shared their happy memories of heights and space with him to help rid him of this fear early on before it got too bad. She confessed to them in turn her loneliness, and that she was Jane Kirk, daughter of George Kirk, the fallen hero. McCoy had blinked, stating that everyone else had said that the saviors child was a boy called Jim. Spock confirmed this, and she threw back her head and laughed. Explaining, she pointed out that it meant she wouldn't be swarmed every time she went out in public, making it that much easier for all of them.

They both never went into detail about how the bond they had formed, for neither was quite sure, it had seemed to pop into existence the day she was born. She swore to meet both of them someday, to venture even among the stars with them if they would allow it. Somehow she knew Spock had twitched his lips upwards a slight bit, and offered her his hand. "It is not if I would allow it, it is if you both are willing." Bones had glowed at that, though he still pretended to be grumpy. "You'd drag me along anyway, though I wouldn't mind it now."

The first bad day had come- Spock was to be betrothed to T'Pring. The morning before, however, he spent some time alone with his mother. He slowly explained to her his situation, even showing her pictures of them in his head. Both of them conversed through him to her, and she realized what could happen if this bond was forced upon Spock's young mind. It most likely would not only bring him terrible pain, it would cause all of the bonds including Jane and Bones' to snap, hurting them as well. She pressed a delicate human kiss to her forehead, murmuring, "Anything for you, Son." Then she descended upon the elders and those who would hurt her baby. She argued that as part human he should be able to choose who he wanted to bond with, and T'Pring had already expressed her want to bond with a different Vulcan. She fought tooth and nail in her most Vulcan way to save her son without informing the elders of this rare bond.

If she had told her husband as explanation later, "He asked me to help him," it was not a lie.

The next bad day was many years later when Jane was just eleven years. Sam was running away from home and Frank was about to sell George's car. Frank saw nothing but money in what had belonged to her dad, and she was furious. She hopped in that car, and was consumed by the smell of a man long gone. "Daddy, she whispered, a little teary eyed, before Spock and Bones entered her mind again. Determined, she sped off, explaining the situation to both of them. Bones' reaction was expected, of course, with the basic point being 'He can't do that!'. Spock said that this wasn't the best way to deal with it, but she showed him she had tried all the other ways he had taught her, and none had worked. Frank really only saw the profit from selling this car.

In the wind, she laughed, and waved to Sam as she passed. She let Spock and Bones inhale the smell of her old man, and they told her what it reminded them of. 'He smells like the desert, changing but proud, and adventure.' Bones had simply put. Spock said, 'I concur, He smells like Vulcan Deserts, but mostly those with flora and fauna in them'. It felt like they were both right next to her, Spock sitting on Bones' lap who was nagging for Jane to buckle up and wrapping his lanky arms around Spock. Spock of course would blush at the indecency, but wouldn't really care because really this is Bones. She didn't even care as the Robot cop asked her to pull over, she just whooped and made a split second turn. She was going to dump this ride. 'Jane, no, that's dangerous!' Bones' voice rattled in her skull, and Spock's cool monotone agreed, 'You shouldn't endanger yourself like that, T'hy'la.'

In the end she managed to cling to the cliff 'by the skin of your teeth' Bones grumbled but Spock raised his eyebrow at. She raised herself up and proudly declared herself as "James Tiberius Kirk" because that's what the public knew her as. Her mom had picked her up saying that she didn't want Frank to sell the car but did Jane really have to drive it off a cliff?

The last big bad day that came far too quickly was when Bones was told he had to marry. If he didn't marry, he'd loose all his financial backing for Med School, and Jane and Spock knew he really wanted that. Once Jane had mused they would be the three top positions on a ship once they got older, and all of them would graduate the academy at top speed. He really couldn't marry Jane or Spock [both of the were still too young under federation law and really, they lived very far apart] so he tried for a woman that would break his heart- if he had really loved her. But he did love his little Joanna, as did Jane and Spock once they got over the fact that Bones hadn't waited.

By that time Jane was 22 and had just been 'recruited' by Pike even though she was planning to go there, and Bones and her ended up on the same shuttle. They had greeted each other like old friends, and she kept on talking to him through the ride, making sure that his aviophobia didn't come back with his anguish. It was then Spock choose the inform them that he was a professor at Starfleet. Jane had giggled at how silly she was to overlook that fact and Bones grumbled about 'not getting there first, he was the oldest, dammit'.

Oh, they had their disagreements, but mostly during the academy Jane hung with Bones, egging him on, and trying to get 'Professor Spock' to join them at lunch time. "What kind of name is Professor Spock, anyway? Some soft of Kinky role-play name?" And Bones had Choked, Spock raising an eyebrow at her. They 'dated' quite discreetly, never daring to quite toe the line labeled 'sex'.

The biggest argument had been about the Kobayashi Maru test, which Jane quickly installed a sub-route into, essentially beating his game. Yet because Jane had changed Spock, he admitted that it was the goal of the test for one to realize that every thing you do changes something, and that truly there were no no-win scenarios that you didn't make yourself. They all got shipped out on the Enterprise, and the story goes from there...

I's tired, 'm goin' ta bed. N'ght, ya'll. *yawns*

star trek, drabbles, minx_et_mink, spirk, blah blah blah

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