May 07, 2011 20:22

I can't even begin to describe the fucking awesomeness that is this movie.

I mean, I can't.

Even if I could, I shouldn't, because anything they didn't put in the trailer would give everything away, and I'm fucking serious. Except the fact that there are so many plot twists it'll make your head spin. Also, this movie will make you want to cry, if you don't weep openly. It's so sad, but wonderful, I can't help loving it. Even Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 'Fresh' review, and we all know how hard it is to get a good vote from those people.

Captain [as I have taken to calling him] is the main character, and he is so absolutely wonderful it's just mind blowing. He's by no means a Gary Stu, but it's his emotions and sense of "I'm not perfect" and his breakdowns that makes you feel an ache in your chest as if he was your friend, your best bud, and to see something like... I can't even think about it.

So, darned good movie. Suspect everyone. Learn from Mistakes. Violence isn't everything.

Also, my friend got me addicted to Durarara and GOD DAMMIT WHAT IS IT EVEN ABOUT. It's lovely, I love it, is it in English, I hope so but I don't, the opening and ending, the characters, god dammit they have otaku's, the fuck is going on in this city, everyone has someone who trumps them, people aren't all that their outside appearance gives and you get to see both, and god I love it.

I also want to watch Burn Notice, White Collar, the rest of Psych, a bunch of movies, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Doctor Who with the ninth and the fourth Doctors, the next Star Trek that's yet to come out, oh god there's more, isn't there? I'm in over my head.

I've also been watching Jake and Amir.

College humor is my sanctuary, BTW.

I have to say, they act pretty gay, but in a good way. Amir certainly seems to have his dick out a lot. Both physically and mentally. But his niece is so sweet, if you even see her. Jake puts up with it, but not very well. Remember the stripping incident?

star trek, minx_et_mink, epic movies ftw, me, jake and amir

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