I have done alot of things in my life im not proud of... I cant say the same thing about the following.
As part of my tafe course we do a huge exhibit in the flora show at Kariong. Under the cut you will find my creations for said exhibit. I started my tafe course at the beginning of July. Its done in block release which means we go 2 days every 3 weeks. In that time I have only been to 3 blocks where we have actually been taught how to make things. The other times we went we went on a field trip to Sydney and then we have been down setting everything up in Kariong. Im telling you this for one reason, I have never made any of these kind of arrangements before, I had a basic understanding of how i would make them and had very little direction whilst making them. When you see the final outcome maybe you might understand why I am so proud of them. My head tafe teacher now calls me her golden boy and star pupil, she also thinks im some kind of legend for the amount of voluntary hours I have spent in Kariong helping out. For the tafe course I was required to do 12 hours on sunday and 8 hours on monday. So far I have done 12 hours on sunday, 13 hours on monday, 10hours on tuesday and 12 hours on wednesday. Im going down there again Friday and Sunday and will be there for about 10-12 hours each day. I have always been the first student there and the last to leave. I love it, its been the best experience, has given me so much confidance and so much more enthusiasm to continue on in my course and out into the industry.
I done some other smaller pots, which were nothing exciting and just forget me not flowers stuck in a pot so i didnt take pics of them. I will also post some pics of the final outcome of our exhibt once I have them....