My point was that a lot of the information we are receiving is biased towards certain quite clear objectives. You can see it in every article you read on the matter; they begin and end with a clear objective to evoke a reaction in Australian society - to milk Australia’s strong passion and patriotism. I don't mean to imply that these are bad attributes at all, merely that I fear people are being "ruffled up", so to speak, so that they can get an interesting story out of her horrible ordeal.
As for suggesting she could be guilty. That was merely to illuminate the other side of the story. I was attempting to point out that we do not have an accurate view of things. Each time news is broadcast they present it in such a fashion to suggest, but not imply, certain people are innocent or guilty...against AUSTRALIA (and not Corby) or with AUSTRALIA. This is not in any way my opinion. I personally believe I do not know enough to decide whether she is guilty or innocent. Yes I saw the live broadcast, yes I have read about it in articles. Yet still I sit on the fence.
My comment was not meant to aggravate you in any way; I was just trying to present an opinion suggesting we should not be too hasty in mocking and critiquing Indonesian's judicial system.
Were you aware of the shaping and contorting of the news as you saw or read it?
While I sit on the fence, you may very well fight for what you believe in.
May i just also point out that my above post was not directed at the Indonesian judicial system and more so that the Australian Government and or QANTAS have done nothing to try and assist Miss Corby when they know very well that there is a definate lack of security with baggage handlers.
As for the Indonesian judicial System, it does seem rather unfare that the Bali bomber gets 4 years for killing about 170 people yet Shapelle Corby gets 20 years for failing to put a lock on her boogie board bag. It hardly seems fare does it. It also seems somewhat corrupt that in 480 drug cases that the head judge (from shapelle's case) has heard all of these people ahve been found guilty.
However as i said in the begining of my post, that is the Indonesian way so we have to live with it. My point is that we can do more from this end to help her prove who may have done this... The thing from listening to the 3 judges verdict is so important to them and the only way she will be let off.
Id just like to point out that orriginally the bombers were sentenced to death. Then on appeal with some miraculous new eveidence had their sentences reduced to 4 years, elliminating the death part
That is not true at all...they are still going to die, its been all over the news lately...update your facts hun as if they are going to let someone live who killed hundreds of people!
As for suggesting she could be guilty. That was merely to illuminate the other side of the story. I was attempting to point out that we do not have an accurate view of things. Each time news is broadcast they present it in such a fashion to suggest, but not imply, certain people are innocent or guilty...against AUSTRALIA (and not Corby) or with AUSTRALIA. This is not in any way my opinion. I personally believe I do not know enough to decide whether she is guilty or innocent. Yes I saw the live broadcast, yes I have read about it in articles. Yet still I sit on the fence.
My comment was not meant to aggravate you in any way; I was just trying to present an opinion suggesting we should not be too hasty in mocking and critiquing Indonesian's judicial system.
Were you aware of the shaping and contorting of the news as you saw or read it?
While I sit on the fence, you may very well fight for what you believe in.
As for the Indonesian judicial System, it does seem rather unfare that the Bali bomber gets 4 years for killing about 170 people yet Shapelle Corby gets 20 years for failing to put a lock on her boogie board bag. It hardly seems fare does it. It also seems somewhat corrupt that in 480 drug cases that the head judge (from shapelle's case) has heard all of these people ahve been found guilty.
However as i said in the begining of my post, that is the Indonesian way so we have to live with it. My point is that we can do more from this end to help her prove who may have done this... The thing from listening to the 3 judges verdict is so important to them and the only way she will be let off.
as if they are going to let someone live who killed hundreds of people!
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