Arrrrgh. Sometimes I wonder why I'm still a member of
antishurtugal. Sometimes they just set off my temper zones like mad.
And that's annoying. I don't like getting mad. On the other hand, I did just make an extremely amusing crackplot (if I do say so myself) on
desperatefans. We'll see how it goes over.
At any rate. No, you're not mindless Tolkien worshipers. Just Tolkien worshipers. They happen, I know - just don't expect me to be thrilled when they do, that's all I'm saying. The more rabid Tolkien worship fanatics I met, the less I like the fandom and the books. Especially Lord of the Rings. I still love the Hobbit.
*sigh* Sometimes I think I'm too confrontational. I have no idea. Hopefully I will have pictures for you on Halloween, because my costume is rather awesome (if I do say so myself). But anyway. Ramblyness over. Maybe I'll actually post a coherent rant about fantasy stereotypes later, because I have sort of a lot of things to say on the subject. Or - hey! something to do during Spanish tomorrow.
I want to start my NaNoWriMo. Waaah.
Loves to
redsilkscarf, suffering the post-show blues. Don't worry, chitlin, the jokes aren't over yet. >:D
*is done*
And no, I'm not really going to call you chitlin. I just felt like saying it there. XD