oh look! Yuletide reveal! (WITH RAMBLES)

Jan 01, 2010 12:38

So I wrote a metric fuckton of fic this year.

My actual assignment was Memorial, written for not_from_stars for Black Jewels Trilogy, about the friendship between Karla, Gabrielle, and Jaenelle, and the things they build as a trio. It was...a challenge, I confess, but there are things I really like about how it turned out.

And then there's all my treats.

The Gravedigger for puella_nerdii is one of my favorites, actually. It's Sandor-centric, post A Storm of Swords, and outlines (again) what might have happened for him to get from the middle of nowhere to a monastery. I had fun with Sandor in this one - writing him in pain is always fun for me. And I like the hint at beginning of resolution, at least, even if it's anyone's guess whether he'll actually get there.

Therefore and Thereafter is for Hokuto, who asked for Joffrey and Sandor fic. I saw this and went MINE right away, and I am proud of this, yes. It's the interactions between Joffrey and Sandor on three levels, and it's - an interesting dynamic for me to explore. Joffrey is a nasty little brat and Sandor is angry, as per his usual. What am I supposed to ramble about here? I don't really have much of a process.

I'm a Killer, Cold and Wrathful is for Astarlia and once again, I'm sorry, indulging my love of Sandor and Arya interactions. I realized too late that this one has kind of a lot in common with, perhaps, my asoiaf_exchange fic that I received, but there are still things I like about it. First and foremost, perhaps, Sandor's reluctance to teach anyone anything, which meshes with the above fic and his "you don't want to fight like me." Maybe this is just me, though. Heh.

Wayward Souls is for redcandle17 and okay okay don't shoot me, Sansa/Sandor. But I really like it. Because like the other fic with them that I'm really proud of, it is not happy, at all, and is full of pain and possible looming death and Sandor being fatalistic while Sansa is confused and just doesn't quite get it. And I like the ending, here. Because I am all for ambiguous endings. (secret: in my head Sandor dies but Sansa makes it to the Wall anyway. But it's up to you.)

The Dog is for devilc and is, again, about Sandor, shut up. XD YES I DID WRITE ALL BUT ONE OF THE SANDOR STORIES IN THE ARCHIVE, WHAT OF IT. I would have liked to make this one more fleshed out, and still might - it was the last Treat I wrote and it shows - but as usual, set up around the middle scene and that's the one I like best. It is actually, confession two, kind of a written version of a comic by motodraconis but shhh.

Promenade In Stark was for miaoujones and ...well, again. Saw the prompt, jumped on it, and really this was the most obvious one by me, I thought, because I was only just talking about how Theon is a stoner just a little while ago. There are things I heard people objecting to about this - while it was anonymous - and I don't particularly feel like defending them right now, except to say that the whole thing was playing by the rule of funny far more than any actual belief in characterization. And hell, it was fun. I think my favorite bit is Jon and Theon, as always, just because they are ridiculous.

Strangers for jasmasson was the second of my Doctrine of Labyrinths fics, and has, I am sorry to say, many similarities to last year's "These Are Bad Days" but I - like it better. Felix POV this time, and basically just a bit of him being nasty toward Mildmay, and thinking about why he's being nasty, and feeling bad about being nasty, and ultimately how he's perplexed by Mildmay sticking around.

The End for Remuke is basically - well, torture porn. But it was funnn let me tell you. "Tell me what happened with Strych and Mildmay" said the prompt, and all the badwrong parts of my brain went oooooooh. I need to add beta credit for voice and structure most gratefully here, especially to pitselly who put up with my dubious, er, things. But yes. Long and nasty and unpleasant but hey, sometimes that's what I'm best at.

Goodnight Moon for Lara was just a random thought that wiggled into my head and wouldn't leave, so I put it down as a bit of short Madness. Saetan with Lucivar after he's brought from his suicidal run, considering all the things he'll never know about his youngest son. Lucivar and Saetan's relationship is fun for me to look at - I think something I'll have to explore more.

Witch-child for calenlily was oh so much fun to write because oh Jesus, so much adorable. I love writing Karla being snarky and clashing off males. I love writing Jaenelle being bubbly and a total Girl. I just had fun with this one, though a Daemon/Jaenelle child would, I think, be kind of terrifying. I'm with Karla here. I'm with Karla on most things, of course. XD

Her Second Son for inkonthepage. So remember a while back when I ETA'd to note that I KNEW WHAT I NEEDED TO WRITE? This was it. One of my favoritest parts of Tangled Webs was the offhand mentions of Tersa and Lucivar's relationship. And I took that and ran with it. Because I feel like they would just get along very well, and Lucivar would not at all feel the need to press Tersa into being something she's not. He's sweet that way.

Shopping; With Caliban Leandros is another wee bit of silliness and there was another one for the same prompt that I readily confess is better. But this was mostly written for the purpose of Cal and Robin friendship, and me getting the chance to have Cal drag Robin into a nasty situation and Robin be headdesking along. So yes. Not my best, perhaps, but it was fun. And the phrase 'man thong' is pretty much. Uh. Yeah.

Unbroken is another short one, just a little bit of Niko POV during Nightlife. This is my secret guilty pleasure, guys. Also writing in this style? My secret guilty pleasure. Only not a secret anymore.

and the beast never seen for lanyon who by the way wrote "Her Eyes" and I kind of want to marry but shhhh is the obligatory Feanorian fic, you knew there would be one. And it is my faaavorites, Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir, and I just. Well yes. I like this one. Though it is, as always, kind of a lot of pseudocanon. But phwhatever. I like it, dammit.

And Then There Were None for KathysSong is - well, Maedhros angsty thinky thoughts. And I'm relieved that it's different enough from the recipient's other fic to be - well, yes. Good. And not feel like I'm stepping on someone's toes.

When We Were Young for Larian Elensar is, yes, FLUFFY SILMARILLION FANFICTION though now I've done a few along these lines. This is still the fluffiest. And it has daddy!Fingolfin in it, and moody!Fingon and bouncy and gleeful!Aredhel, and well, I like it. Yes I do. Shhhh. And I'm proud of myself for actually, you know, writing something fluffy in this fandom. Whoa.

Bareback is from that tiny, tiny fandom I love to pimp, Benighted and is just a little snapshot of a bit from after the book. I think I'd like to write more in this fandom, though I'd be uncomfortable because, for the first time, I would almost want OCs. Although I could try to write about Paul and Lola, I suppose. We'll see how brave I get.

Sense, but No Sensibility was - well, my only excuse is that the prompt was for Jane Roland, and I'm best at writing Iskierka, and this happened. SO THEREFORE. There are certain things I really like about it, though I hope it doesn't come across as verbal bitchslappage.

AND FINALLY Lingering On for the Gentlemen Bastard Sequence was probably my most well received fic of this year. And I can see why. I'm proud of it too, actually, because as people have commented, the blend of humor and oh ow fuck is very much Gentleman Bastard. Spoilers, for Red Seas Under Red Skies, and just features - Locke and Jean, together, doing what they do best and exasperating each other. And an ending that I deliberated about for hours, whether to turn and make it happy or not, and went with the not, and am really glad I did.

AND SO THIS IS YULETIDE AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE and all that, I'll put these up on my fic journal uhhh later. Any concrit or comments or thoughts or "Lise, you're nuts" is welcome to go here as well. Thank you to my writer, Ariana, thank you to my betas, and thank you to the prompters who made me go absolutely nuts.

NOW FOR NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS TIME. (and replies to comments.)

ETA: ...I just discovered "The Inappropriate Elf Challenge" which, while it could be porn, is actually, 'crossover with a fandom that should never have Elves.' And I'm taking this as a challenge. SO FOLKS what fandoms should never be crossed over with The Silmarillion/Tolkien's Elves? *shot*

fandom: lol feanorians, fandom: dragons happened, fandom: doctrine of labyrinths, fandom: a song of ice and fire, fandom: books, fandom: black jewels trilogy, fandom: locke lamora you bastard, fandom: fanfiction

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