Collin Farell's Eyebrows Are Disturbed

Aug 31, 2009 13:39

So I just now started reading about this kerfuffle and it has caught my interest in a curiously annoying way, though only slightly. I don't have much to say that isn't in one of those two well written posts, except that the whole thing is a little sketchy and the fact that it is for a book deal means - well. I don't know, I wouldn't want someone reading into my pron preferences as a basis for my desires in real life. The smut I have written is largely for (i) a pairing in which one of the people is underage or (ii) sadomasochistic and semi-nonconsensual. I would really rather not have that represent me, kthanks.

I think people who try to analyze fanfiction think a little too much about it. It always seems a little silly to me, all the people going on about the phenomenon of fanfiction as if it's the next...I don't know. Even. I don't have the words.

It's a hobby, if kind of a weird one, and I think people who have never tried it just don't get the appeal for the people who do. My thoughts, anyway. I'm aware of how subjective those are. And often irrelevant ahaha.

I will let people more eloquent than I express my problems with this shit.

Apparently I'm in a cranky mood today. Bitchbitchwhinewhine.

ETA: Also! This guy. *headdesk headdesk headdesk*

Son of Edit: A post summing up the fail going on here, and some more conversation at unfunnybusiness.

wankity wank wank, whine whine whine, i have had enough of your shenanigans, losing faith in humanity, stupidity, asshattery, rant, fuck this shit, gtfo of my fandom kthxbai, desirous of delivering smackdown, fandom, lise complains, for the lose, e for effort guys, lise does not like this shit, bitch plz, fap fap fap, angry, faileboat, fun with internets, what is this fuckery?, ..., serious business

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