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Mar 31, 2008 22:50

Hello... To all you stragglers that haven't strayed too far, I should be updating my journal more regularly... I've decided it will help keep me sane; however, I'm going to delete a lot of my old entries, especially the really meaningless ones. I don't know if you will be interested or want to follow my story, or what... Up to you. Here is where I am now (so you can catch up a little):

My uncle moved back to California and I stayed in Tennessee. I have been here for a year on my own, in a huge two bedroom apartment: That makes two years in TN. A couple of months ago I started freaking out all of a sudden, just realizing that I need to get the fuck out of this state. However, that's not going to happen for another year because I lost one of my (the more high-paying, dependable one) jobs and couldn't afford to move. I want to both move back toward the west coast (Portland is looking more and more amazing) and to try to enjoy the time I have left here. I haven't learned to drive, in fact I'm selling my car. I don't want to drive, at least not in this state, and maybe not ever!

So, I am stuck here for a while... The job market is shit, even worse when you're a crazy liberal from California, which is practically a dirty word here. (True story: Two songs I overheard out here recently include the lyrics "Hollywood isn't America" and "Jesus knows just how far the east is from the west." Ugh.) My B&N job gave me some more hours, but I'm dying... Though certainly not starving, and technically not even "veg" anymore... I've suffered some serious guilt over this decision (for my health, and yes, I know everyone says that), but I have started eating fish again after craving it for two years. I also eat some organic dairy and the occasional brown egg mixed into something. I cook a lot more now, and everyone who tries my food really loves it and raves about it!

Okay... My critters. Always important, they keep me grounded and from just going to live out in the woods. I still have my cat Yepa and the small calico I got last year (named Ünsa).. And two ferrets! I was so excited to finally be on my own to get one! (In case you don't know, I've spent most of my life in Southern California where it is completely illegal to own a ferret!) Of course it wasn't long before I got another to keep him company, and there you have it: Little Guy and Maya. Also, there is a fish. A female betta named Petra that was a birthday gift. My apartment is so big (1,200 square feet) you'd never know they were all in here! I also plan to get a dog, but probably not anytime soon, maybe not even until after I move, and definitely not until I have another job for a while... I love german shepherds, but I have to be realistic, and I know it will make finding a future place hard, so I'm going to go for a smaller dog, however I hate most small dogs so I've decided on a shiba inu. The dog will have to be a small pup, to get used to the other animals.

Hmm... I gues that is about it for me, and now dear readers, what of you?!
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