I am so powerfully amused. And, my more practical observations below the cut.
1. I cannot believe that the UK still does not arm their police with firearms for general patrol.
2. The police probably want to talk to the swordsman because I am pretty sure that they outlawed swords and other large blades recently. What he did, regardless of the legality of the weapon, might even be illegal. I'd have vanished, too.
3. Despite the fact that no guns are involved, this has a gun-control angle to it. Violence does not stop with the mere removal of weapons, because almost everything in the environment can be picked up and used as a weapon at need. You cannot outlaw sticks, no matter how hard you try- the trees simply will not comply. I fail to see how subjecting disarmed citizenry or subjects to the whims of those who are larger/stronger/more-numerous is morally superior to allowing the same citizen or subject to bear arms for his defense.
4. And finally- how friggen awesome is that?