Oct 09, 2004 20:37
me and scotty (my drummer) went to a haunted house tonight. had a great time. if you ever get the chance to go to the hacker house in pilot mountain, nc then go. listen to me, im talking like anyone reads this thing.
so anyway, on the way back me and scoot discussed many a thing. one of the more interesting comments that was made was a question of "if you could get back with any of your ex girlfriends, who would it be?". scotty said none. but my own question got me thinking about a girl. for sake of privacy, i will call her M. me and M dated for about a year and i swear on my future grave that she is to this day the only girl ive ever truly loved. when we talked, we would talk for hours about everything from religion and politicts to strange things we saw on the side of the road while driving home. whenever i would get passionate about a subject, i could tell she actually gave a shit about what i had to say, about what my dreams were, and i can only hope i showed her the same. the breakup was entirely my fault. i know it was, and i think that makes the hurt go much deeper. i wish i still had her.
eh well, so it happens.
i also went to visit my little brother's grave today. i go on the ninth of every month (he was born dead on august 9, 2001). a pleasent experience as it always is. nothing special except for the reminder of, even after three years, how much i miss someone i never met.
id throw something random in but i really just dont feel like it. its been a good day, but some of the things i thought about are just weighing me down.