Jul 28, 2002 05:45
What color pants are you wearing?: none
What song are you listening to?: primus - tommy the cat
What taste is in your mouth?: cakes.....made by me...
What's the weather like?: quite warm for this time
How are you?: hyper
--Do You--
Get motion sickness?: aye
Have a bad habit?: being too punk
Get Along With Your Parents?: nah never
Like To Drive?: aye especially, illegally in america lol
Type With Fingers On The Right Keys?: aye all ten, asdf, jkl; and space bar :)
Drink?: oh aye
Smoke?: aye
Wear Contacts?: nop
Have Any Siblings?: 1 brother
Relative: wee tonner, mental boy
TV Show: that tv show for mongos at 4 in the mornin on channel 2, well groovy
Shampoo: shampoo? nah kiddin on, am no fae bar-l yeknow
Commercial: what are these commercials u speak of?
Book: i cant read.
Magazine: any american porno
Non-Alcoholic Drink: theres non-alchoholic drinks?
Alcoholic Drink: CIDEEEEERRRRRRRR! (ma ctach phrase) or straight vodka (gets the job done)
Things To Do On The Weekend: go tae cathouse and be bored oot ma scull, get stoned and/or get drunk
Band: rancid, earth crisis, pennywise
Singer: karl (div) or boner boy lol
Movie: matrix, nuff said.
Food: gregs lol
School (tae smash up): garrowhill
Clothes: thats just gay hen
Boy Name: Ball. whit am callin ma son
Girl Name: Cancer. whit am callin ma daughter
Hangout: where ma pals are
Restaurant: ashokaaaaaaaa
Feeling: erm....fear.....love when the adrenaline gets goin and yer runnin, or vandalisin somethin lol
Sport: am too lazy
Music: punk rock, hardcore-punk, pop-punk, hardcore
Store: gregs lol
Dog Breed: go die
Cat Breed: ball
Bird Breed: budgies
Fish Breed: c a i t i s fishyyyyyyy
Day Of The Year: every new day
Month: donno
In Five Years: married, happyily living in guam in a mud hut with ma wife and 47 kids
Ten: fightin a war against the columbian cartel with my 47 kids, boom-master and mad ando
Marriage Season: anywhere in guam
Place: guam
Honeymoon: guam
Goals: living in guam
--Have You--
Ran Away From Home: for a day lol
Ever Cheated On A Test: my standard grades...all 8 lol
Stayed Up Till Four On The Phone: aye, with ainslie, it was more like 7 tho
Snuck Out Of The House: aye, every night, was out tonight infact. one memorable quote from the neds "whit did ye run for"
Ever Gone Skinny Dipping: aye haha
Made a Prank Phone Call: all the time, got 8 painter and decoraters, police, taxi's, indians, chinese to one guys door. the decorators all came at the same time lol.
Ever Tipped Over A Porta Potty: AYE LOL! james was way me, hahahaha
Used Your Parents Credit Card Before: aye lol (ive noticed ive did all the bad stuff :S)
Skipped School Before: question is, did i go to school that much?
Fell Asleep In Shower/Bath: haud on....naw mibie
Fell Asleep While Eating: naw
Fell Asleep While Driving: naw
Driven A Car: aye
Ever Met Someone Famous: ach too many to list
Wanted To Die: ach aye, still dae
Been On A Plane: aye
Went Swimming In The Ocean: aye, whit a manky manky place. almost as manky as bar-l
Been In A School Play: aye
Cried In Public: dont think so...?
Let A Friend Cry On Your Shoulder: boom boom, shake shake, da room!
Gone To Church: aye, forced
Read The Bible: naw, i burned one tho, lol (booked ma place in hell)
Fished: aye caught 4 :)
Cacair: haud on....NAW
Seen Someone Die: on internet aye.....seen a few dead ppl tho, and i saw my granda dead when i was about 4, he died about an hour before we came
Boyfriend?: dont have a b/f mate
Sexuality?: straight
Children?: aye, 46, one more and i can move tae guam
Current Crush?: ainslieee
Been In Love?: yes yes
Been Out With Someone?: nah, never
Too Shy?: nah
Been Hurt?: well yeah but in a weird way
Have You Ever Said "I Love You" And Meant IT?: yes
Cheated On Someone?: nop, would do it
Gone Out With Someone You Only Knew For Three Days?: erm....aye! lol
Who Do You Want To Spend The Rest Of Your Life With?: ;)
Fracture History: fuk all
Operation History: too long...
Allergies: notin :D
Had Stitches: aye about 40 lol
Cavities: prolly...
Phobia/s: havin my throat slit
Current Pets: budgie...cannie mind his name....remember later
Most Unusual Pet's You've Had: shibunkans (haha bet ye donno whit they are.....if ye know.....shutit)
Best Current Pet: budgie spose
Have You Ever Shaved Your Cat: shaved ma pussy? :O
What Is Your Most Prized And Most Important Possession?: ainslies ma size 2 or somethin pink top lol
First thing when you wake Up, You: go back tae sleep
Your Mouse Pad Has On It: a cow pattern
What Is On The Walls In Your Room: posters, signed set list (no1 son)
What Do You Wear To Bed?: boxers
Thinking Of Right Now?: how lucky i was tonight and how manky my hauns are fae jumpin they backs
What Do You Do That Really Pisses Off your Friends?: cannie tell ye that, but its true
Do You Have A Job?: wish a did man, need a job tae keep ma habits
Your CD Player Has In It Right Now?: dont have a clue
After School/Work You: come on the fukin internet
If You Were A Crayon,What Color Whould you Be?: white coz the shity white wans never work
What Makes You Happy?: findin out that someone still loves u after u ebing the biggest fanny on the planet to them
What's The Next CD Your Gonna Get? donno
Who Do You Consider Good Friends?: mad ando, flembo, boom-master, del, ainslie
What Do You Like To Do?: get high
Eating Disorders: aye pure millions
PMS: dont even start me on that sister! *waves hand at you and puts hand on hip*
Marilyn Manson: ya mad gofic fanny lol XD
Guy Bands: im in a band with guys, infact, im in three
Premartial Sex: maker yer move!
Titanic: didnt exist, was a goverment story to....fuck you i cant explain it
Jerry Springer: who?
Suicide: i got balls to do it
Self- mutilation: cant do that....
Dreams: i dont dream...