Originally posted by
minus_seven at
Harry Potter: Narcissa Black / Lily Evans - unexpected Prompt: Drabble Tag 6 - unexpected
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Lily/Narcissa
Rating: T
Word count: 200
This was not going according to plan. At all. In fact, it had thrown everything into disarray. Her grades, her future, her peace of mind. Her honour. She had. Lily Evans, muggleborn, mudblood, had ruined her. Because Narcissa had expected many things from a feisty Gryffindor… but the way she’d made her heart beat faster hadn’t been one of them.
She couldn’t focus on her studies, stuck between thoughts of the girl and thoughts of how she was destroying everything. Narcissa wasn’t supposed to feel like this. She had a fiancée, she would marry him within the year. And she was a muggleborn. She was scum, she was unworthy, she was…
Narcissa succumbed and softly banged her head on the table.
It didn’t even make sense! Lil- Evans was just a third year. She barely had any womanly attributes to speak of, and even if she had, it wouldn’t be that what swayed Narcissa. But her eyes were more beautiful and fierce than any spell, and she couldn’t wait to run her hands through her fire red hair…
It was his fault. She’d have never even met Lily properly if his crush hadn’t been so bloody obvious. Damn Severus Snape.