Originally posted by
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Kill La Kill: Mako/Ryuko - datePrompt: Drabble Tag 6 - date
Fandom: Kill la Kill
Pairing: Mako/Ryuko
Rating: T
Word count: 200
Right, so. Their date was over. Ryuko adjusted the collar of her jacket. It wasn’t Senketsu. Nothing was Senketsu and she still wasn’t used to... clothes. She let the sharp pang of sadness echo with the despondency that she was already feeling. Because they’d had their date, just the two of them this time and... and nothing. Ice-cream, window shopping, walking around in the park. Things friends did but nothing more than that. Oh, they’d held hands, but they’d done that before already and, well, Mako was Mako. She held hands with other people.
Damn... She sighed, shoulders slumped. Maybe she should be a bit more forward with her feelings? It wasn’t like Mako did awkward, so there wasn’t that risk, of losing their friendship, what they already had.
She wasn’t wallowing that deeply that she didn’t catch the end of the endless stream of Mako babble, and her question. “Ryuko-chan? Are you okay?”
“Huh? No, it’s nothing. I was just a little distracted.”
Mako pouted, stepping closer to Ryuko, chest to chest. Ryuko couldn’t help certain thoughts. Then Mako stood on her tiptoes...
Ryuko brought her hand to touch her lips. Just a peck but....
“Silly Ryuko-chan.” Smiled Mako.