First of all, I must lol that this is my first post with a tag which says 'happy' :P
This day is deserving of it though. Like, fully. It's not even in-comparison-to-a-shitty-day-before or anything. It just ~is. And it's awesome.
Firstly, lovely priestfic comments don't exactly hurt anything, so thank you guys. I appreciate it more than you know and I was proud of that chapter :)
Also, my new music obsession which is Phantom Planet, more specifically Alex Greenwald's voice. I cannot stop listening to it. Not that I want to or anything. It's just. Guh. I love it. I am currently writing a Ryan/Alex fic to celebrate the huge amount of joy I get listening to Raise the Dead. Do the Panic has totally been the theme song of the day lol. It makes me dance-y and smiley.
But also... I might just have figured out what I'm gonna do next year, and what job I want to do, which is basically the best revelation I could have at this point in my life. I think I'm going to apply for a PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate of Education. or something lol) in Primary teaching, which is elementary school for anyone reading this across the pond. I had this really unsubtle dream last night (my subconscious is v. unsubtle, like the night before it was a sex dream involving a certain keytarist lol) where I was doing that and it was awesome and I loved it. And I know it was just a dream, but so? Every dream means something.
The thing is, it's not like I hadn't considered it before, but I've always dismissed it for three reasons. One: It's obvious. I realise right now that this is incredibly stupid, but it's true. It's like the obvious option for me because I love kids, I'm good at being around them and in charge of them and stuff, and I just like it. People always ask me, often rather than 'what are you going to do?' it's 'are you going to do a PGCE?' That's how right it is for me, and for some reason I went 'lol no', because I didn't want to be obvious. That's stupid though, because I've always believed that as stupid as it is to do something because everyone else is doing it and it's 'cool', it's also stupid to not do something just for the sake of being individual. So yeah. There's that.
Reason number two: My cousin is a Primary school teacher and my brother teaches Maths. It's the sameness thing again. But I'm the baby in the family, it's not my fault they got there first lol. And my cousin and I are very similar in lots of ways so it... makes sense? Idk
Reason number three: It scares the fuck out of me. Everything does though, everything I don't know how to do. But the thing is, no one knows how to do something until someone teaches them or they get some experience. I've probably got a lot more experience than some other people applying for the course. I'm also scared about interviews and stuff, but whatever I do after uni there's gonna be interviews and shit lol.
Anyways, Idk. But it feels like a turning point. I need to get my ass in gear and learn how to drive though, and applications close on December 1st so I need to get on that too. I can talk to David about it since he's good at all this stuff and everything.
I'm excited. I can't remember being this excited about anything that was actually good for me in a long time. Feels good.
EDIT: This does not hurt my happiness at ALL :D
Oh boys. They missed each other too much.
Watch out for handshake that's really more hand-holding at 3.35 followed by William initiated face touching. \o/!
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