Title: Hallelujah (just off the key of reason) [11]
minus_fourRating: PG-13 (language)
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: 3rd
Summary: Priestfic AU. Brendon's a few years older than Ryan. His first thought was something about how cute Brendon looked when he was excited. His second was something about how his plan was definitely screwed.
Disclaimer: Not
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And Jon! I love Jon, I really do. And his ninjaness only makes him more awesome. =)
Okay. So. Billiam. And Riley!! I literally FLAILED. Like, my arms waved in the air while I made incoherent sounds. Made my DAY, you don't even know. =)
And BDEN!! God, I just want to smish him. All the time. He just... guh.
On a less fangirl-y note, the interaction between Spencer and Ryan made my heart do funny things in my chest, because they just GET each other, and I thinks thats how they really are, you know? They just... Are. (I said LESS fangirl-y. =D)
And Jon! Ninja!Jon esp makes my heart happy.
Yeah... it was really kind of random but I just went with it lol.
BDEN! *joins in fangirling* guh indeed
Exactly. Just... Yeah. I know.
Thanks <3
this chapter was amazing I love it soooo much ;D
I loved the paint fight, it was awesome ;DD
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨♥“Coming from the priest who started the paint fight,”♥
(¸.•´ (¸.•´
Yay! Glad you liked it :D
lol that heart thing made NO SENSE WHATSOEVER when I read this on my phone :P but I love it ♥
Thanks <3
This fic makes me totally fucking wobble at the knees and I love it. Tension being broken, finally. But. The way you end every chapter with Ryan's realism makes me hurt. I love this so much. ♥
and yay for love :) dnw hurt, but you gotta have it for the happy ♥
I love Jon's appearance. And Riley! Yay! Baby. :) and of course Bill, does that mean a Gabe's around too? *flutters eyelashes hopefully*
Lovely chapter.
I'm glad, and yeah! Rileyyyy! Ahem. There may be a Gabe and a first date and someone will have to babysit I wonder who ;)
Thanks bb
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